
Dec 14, 2020

December 14, 2020

WINTER HEALTH CARE TIPS 2020 : Learn How to Take Care of Yourself in Winter to Stay Healthy💪



Content -

-- Introduction
-- How should the diet be ?
-- Conclusion

With the onset of winter, some people face major health problems. Get proper health care right now to avoid these problems. Here are some simple tips on how to protect your health on cold days.

Also Read : How to improve your mental health : During Covid-19

In some parts of the country, the winter season has begun. In the evening, the weather has started to grow. Small and big health complaints occur in winter. Decreased temperature causes cold-cough, fever, skin related disorders etc. It is important to keep the body temperature balanced to avoid these problems. To stay fit and healthy in winter, you need to take proper care of everything from diet to exercise.


We are more hungry in winter than in summer. Also, the movement of the body is less on cold days. Here's a number of essential realities approximately a step cushion and how it is used.

Also Read :   How Exactly Does Gardening have positive Effect on our Health

How should the diet be ?


Special care must be taken with eating habits in winter. This is because many diseases are likely to be transmitted during this season. To avoid diseases, include whole grains, oatmeal, etc. in the diet. These foods are nutritious for your heart health. Also, consume more vegetables and fruits in winter. Natural products and vegetables contain expansive sums of vitamins and minerals. The supply of these nutrients to the body helps in the fight against diseases. Avoid oily and spicy foods in cold weather.

❅ Water and drink -

Water & Drink

Less water is consumed in winter as compared to summer. But even in this season it is necessary to drink as much water as possible. Limited consumption of tea and coffee.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea also helps in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. But you need to get proper guidance from your dietitian on which herbal tea to include in your diet.

Also Read :   Try this effortless solutions to maintain to maintain health

❅ Need to Exercise -

Exercise in Winter

In addition to diet, regular exercise is just as important as staying fit. The body needs to move properly. Exercise regularly with expert guidance for your fitness. If it is not possible to go to the gym and exercise, you can do simple walking exercises.

Walking Exercise

Walking exercises generate heat in the body and also increase blood flow. It is also important to control blood sugar and cholesterol in winter. Eat less salt in your slim down amid this season. Eating too much salt is bad for your heart health.

❅ Protect from the cold -

Winter Protection

Wear warm clothes to protect your health in winter. These days, especially foot-socks, hand-socks, hats, etc. should be used. Also get enough sleep. In addition to warm clothing, the diet should include nutrients. Follow the diet that will create heat in the body. Meanwhile, a large number of skin related disorders occur in winter. Oil or body lotion should be used to prevent these problems.

Also Read :   Cognitive Therapy : An Effective Solution To Deal with Psychological Problems


Numerous of these tips are simple to execute in your way of life in the event that you include them in gradually. And surveying your own health and well-being amid the winter will assist you to find your possess zones for improvement. For occasion, on the off chance that you’re mindful that you simply lose track of your eat less and work out propensities, at that point begin with these basic winter wellbeing tips to keep you happy and positive all through the season. Remind yourself of why you need to stay to solid schedules – it'll make it simpler and more fun to take after these tips.

Nov 26, 2020

November 26, 2020



Content -

Introduction : 

Corona has made a huge difference in people's lifestyles. Its effects were seen to be on mental health. The number of people suffering from various mental health problems has also increased. Some important tips to overcome mental illness ...

Mental Health

We had to face many changes in the lockdown. Corona's mental health was affected as well as his physical health. Many have had to deal with depression because of the financial crisis. Mental health is currently being discussed openly. People are expressing their grievances on social media or through other platforms. About what you can do to deal with depression with courage...

Simple Solutions to Maintain Mental Health and be Stress Free :

The benefits of being expressed are many :

Express your Words

Psychiatrists say that talking openly about mental illness can be inspiring for many. Many point out that open discussion has given them mental support. Depression can occur at any age. Mental illness needs proper treatment and therapy. Many questions and problems can be solved by open discussion. So there are many benefits to being expressed. Understand people suffering from psychosis without discriminating against them.

 Positivity Is Important :


According to experts, it takes time to spread positivity in order to overcome the surrounding negative situation. Currently the number of posts spreading the wrong message through social media is increasing day by day. At such times positive energy generating programs should be organized among the people. People who struggle with mental illness should be treated with love. Help them overcome mental illness. It is very important to have a happy and playful atmosphere at home. India has less awareness about mental health than other countries. We have mental illnesses being ignored. Even today there is not enough awareness and importance about mental health. People with mental illness face ridicule and ridicule. Psychiatrists say that you need to learn how to express yourself mentally without feeling overwhelmed.

Also Read :     Want to Power Up your Brain ?

What is my responsibility ? 😇💪

- Try to increase the confidence of the mentally ill.

- If you don't know much about psychosis, you should avoid discussing it in detail.

- Get proper information about mental health and convince others of its importance.

- Respect the feelings of the person facing the problem. Encourage them to overcome illness.

- Don't get exhausted while dealing with mental illness.

- Learn to accept the changes that take place in you during treatment.

Nov 20, 2020

November 20, 2020

HOW TO BECOME MORE ATTRACTIVE AS A TEENAGER : 3 + Proven & Interesting Tips to Become Attractive

Introduction :

Everybody needs to be appealing whether you're getting back into the dating world otherwise you need to move up in your career being alluring likely won't harmed your chances of success. When people feel attractive they generally feel better about themselves and have a more positive outlook on life, people go through great lengths to feel more attractive. Plastic surgeons and Dietary Supplements make millions of dollars. 


Other individuals who feel ugly but the key to being an alluring individual isn't weight misfortune of littler nose or greater muscles. Appealing individuals come in all shapes and sizes. The energy you bring inside and share with the people around you is the secret to being more appealing. If people are attracted to your energy they might overlook physical flaws. 

Nov 15, 2020

November 15, 2020


How Gardening Affects :


The surrounding environment also has positive as well as negative effects on your mental health. It is equally important to have good mental health along with physical health to stay healthy.

The time at hand during the lockdown was given by many people for gardening. The lockdown saw positive changes in gardening, among other things. He says that gardening has health benefits. Gardening also helps reduce stress. Experts also say that people are emotionally involved in the flowering garden itself.

Nov 4, 2020

November 04, 2020


Intro : Social Media -

Social Media

As we know that Human Beings are type of Social Animal. We always want to be socially active. This Social Media has made our life tasks more simple and easy, as it has created a platform for us to communicate & interact with anyone within few seconds.

Social Media

As every thing has it two sides i.e. Positive and Negative Side. However Social Media is good, but currently it has found that, the misuse of social media is having an effect on the body. Its effects are affecting physical and mental health. You may be using Social Media to share photos of fun or delicious food with your friends. But, there can also be some downsides to using these social media. It is also important to pay attention to the effect of social media on our diet, which is a commentary on physical and mental health. That's what experts say. 

Oct 25, 2020

October 25, 2020



  Work From Home

As now most of the organizations or companies, has told their employees to start coming to their offices for working. As there is an increase rate of positive cases, the companies or organizations can again come to Work From Home Policy for their employees. However, some of the companies are also still working on Work From Home Policy. 

Work From Home

So, it means that many of us who are lucky who have jobs, and also who are now Working From Home, are clacking away at our laptops or video conferencing with our colleagues and co-workers from the comfort of our couches from home. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran to the Work From Home Policy, but you may face some or other problems while working form home & not able to concentrate on  your work.

Oct 18, 2020

October 18, 2020



Studying From Home during COVID-19 in 2020 : 

Studying From Home

Since last 7 months we have been locked at home, due to this deadly PANDEMIC : COVID-19. And this has resulted major changes into our working as well as personal life. And also give rise to a New form of Education and Learning process. 

As E-LEARNING / Online Learning is not new to us, but we were not that much use of it. And students have been attending their classes / lectures through Screens i.e. through Online Learning. And with looming uncertainty about the future and not being able to pursue social activities due to the PANDEMIC, and it's possible that this has impacted academics. 

Online Learning

As over 1 & 1/2 months are over that we are learning online, although some may have got use of it. But for some Online Learning might be even tougher than being in a classroom. As nothing is impossible. 

"As there is always a path, where there is a Desire"

So, Here are some Effortless Ways to cope with it and Let's try to make this new way of learning as a better experience.