"Becoming a Mentally Fit person, isn't as difficult as Climbing a Mountain or a Tree."
As taking care of our Mental Health is as important as to be Physically Fit💪. As Physical Fitness leads to an Healthy Body.
But we must also include some Mind Dexterity Exercises in our daily schedule as it will help you to improve your Thinking Process💭, which will sharpen your Mind and in turns will leads to an more Healthy & Better Life.
As 2020 has been an quite eventful year, with many disasters which had arised in just a quick span of time. But the Main Sinister⚠️ disaster of this year, is the Outbreak of deadly CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19), which has brought the whole world to stand at one place and forced everyone to follow LOCKDOWN process.
As most of the people are facing from Mental Health issues during this LOCKDOWN🔒 period. As from various research and studies we came to know that, around 60 - 65% of people living in India are facing Mental Health problems during this LOCKDOWN.
As cases related to Mental Health are jumping high due to the cause of Fear/Anxiety😨 and Uncertainty about the current situation. So, getting impulsive quickly, experiencing insomnia, etc may be the reasons/factors that alerts and suggest you to take care of your Mental Health.
Following are some Quick Tips that will help you to improve your Mental Health.
🔷 Interact with your Loved Ones ❤️ :
As diverting your mind in some or other activities, can help you to reduce such negative/stress-ful thoughts. As communicating/interacting with your family members and friends👥, will be one of the best ways to deal with it.

Even though we have gone locked🔐 inside between our four walls of our house, as this is the great time to spend with your family and children's. Interact with them related to your hobbies🎭, career👨🎓, work-life, memorable events,etc.
As it will be help you to develop a good state of mind🧠 and help you to feel more relaxed😌.

You may try to communicate with your friends with whom you haven't been spoken for a long time. As today's technology📡, has made communication more simpler and faster, through various systems. You can share your thoughts and interact with them about various topics and memorable events.
🔷 Practice Meditation :

As Meditation plays an very important role in improving our Mental Health. Practicing regular Meditation🧘 can lead to a better and peaceful mind. And also help you to avoid negative thoughts.
You have to just close your eyes, sit in a relaxed position and visualize for a better and positive future. (Note : Don't visualize/think negative thoughts).
This will help you to develop a peaceful and a relaxed mind. Also, you will feel energize🙋 & more productiveness and help you to do your task more effectively & confidently.
🔷 Do Exercises :

As doing exercises leads to an better Physical body🏋️, but it also helps us to improve our Mental Health. As Exercise brings a unique motivation & positivity in our body, that helps us to deal with various challenging and difficult situations in our life.
It also helps to increase your Productivity 📈and boosts your energy⚡ level and in turns leads to better decision-making. As during this LOCKDOWN🔒, we must find some 30min - 1 hr of time for doing exercises regularly. As it helps in development of our body & also improves our Mental Health.
You must also practice some Brain exercises or such games that helps in sharpening of your mind such as playing chess, solving riddles & puzzles, etc. Now, I will tell you what type of Brain Exercise do I practice daily. Let's See...
Here it is...
First take some 10-15 words as per your choice and give each one of them a particular serial number#️⃣. Then by-heart it and revise it continuously till you remember it. Then hide that words and try to speak it.
And you can also ask someone to take an oral-type of it by asking any serial number. You must remember and guess correct word for that serial number asked. And also on next day again see that you remember it or not. Do it daily, as it help you to improve your Thinking speed & process and also helps you to remember things quickly.
🔷 Reduce Screen Time :

As our Mental Health is very important than any thing else. Mentally Fit person experiences a different kind of peace, Feels relaxed😌, haves high Emotional Intelligence, develops a Positive environment,etc.
But using more screen time can reduce your Performance which in turns may affect your Mental Health. As spending more time on Instagram, Facebook & other social media platforms, cannot be the best option during LOCKDOWN.
Now-a-days, most of the electronics we use emits Blue Light, that may be harmful to your eyes and hence also affects your Mental Health. Endlessly browsing on social media or other platforms, may affect your mind and you will start comparing your situation with others.
As our Health🍏 is our Main priority, so try to reduce Screen Time as much as possible. Instead if browsing on social media, you can try some exciting things such as Reading Books📚, developing a new skill, starting a small business, etc.
🔷 Maintain Your Daily Schedule :

As in our offices we have a full-determined working schedule and we were obligated to follow such rules and timing's⏳. But now due to this LOCKDOWN, we are staying at home for so many days, so you may feel disinterested, feeling lazy😩, etc and in turn affects your Mental Health.
So to avoid this, you may try to maintain a fixed schedule of your daily routine. By implementing this small task, it will help you to plan each day accordingly & will also create a very good habit for you. Determine a fix period of time for working, spending time with your family members, giving time for your hobbies, giving time to home-based work, etc.
So create an normal daily routine schedule, because our brain is an Habit King👑. It likes similar and easy patterns. Following your schedule daily, will create a small pattern in your brain and that pattern will lead into a habit.
These are some small tips that will help you all to Improve your Mental Health.

So, to epitomize it, as our Mental Health is more important than any thing else. So realize it's importance. A better mind🧠 can only help you to practice proper and active decision-making, able to handle emotions,etc.As our Brain is the Main CPU. And not taking care of this Main Unit, may create various problems in future. So, please take care of your mental health.
- This shall too pass...
- This shall too pass...
Stay Safe & Stay Positive ❤️
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