
Oct 25, 2020



  Work From Home

As now most of the organizations or companies, has told their employees to start coming to their offices for working. As there is an increase rate of positive cases, the companies or organizations can again come to Work From Home Policy for their employees. However, some of the companies are also still working on Work From Home Policy. 

Work From Home

So, it means that many of us who are lucky who have jobs, and also who are now Working From Home, are clacking away at our laptops or video conferencing with our colleagues and co-workers from the comfort of our couches from home. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran to the Work From Home Policy, but you may face some or other problems while working form home & not able to concentrate on  your work.

So, here are some effective ways/tips to Work from home with full concentration & try to make a better experience for you. 

5 + Effective Tips to Work From Home in 2020 :

Set up a Proper Workspace :

Proper Workspace

As having a proper workspace really helps us to focus on your  work. Setting up a work corner for you can help you get in the right headspace for getting things done. (As discussed in previous article). However, most of us may be inclined to work on their beds or sofas. As it may lead to bad postures & body aches. Getting a good and comfy chair can get right to it.

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 - Want to see a good while working on FaceTime ? There should be no bright light to your side or behind you. And don't go too close to the web-cam. As no one wants to see your boogers.

 Good Attire or Not - That is the Questions ? :

Clothes While Working

As one should be properly dressed & ready while Working From Home or if you are going to office. As it can be said one of the pros of Working From Home. As this means not wearing ratty & old PJ's (Pant & Jeans) or roaming around in banians.

As to be properly dressed has the advantages plus you don't have to be appalled every time you cross the mirror. Also on other side, there is a satisfaction for some of us to work in home clothes or we can say as - Ghar ke Kapde. Also make sure what your companies bosses & co-workers can see when you are on video-cam.

Clothes While Working

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 -  As some may be Working From Home while lying from bed or some may be facing problems related to background while working. So you can blur your background on Microsoft Teams or Skype. And get a virtual one on Zoom. You can also use AI Filter like Krisp, as this helps to eliminate background noise.

 Be clear about working hours :

Proper Working Hours

As Working From Home doesn't mean be on laptop/PC for 24 hours and do your work. It should have fix or proper working hours. As for some people, the advantage of Working From Home is having complete & utter flexibility. But if you are someone who want to have a proper structure to ensure that you do not just binge - Watching T.V. and eating junk food all day, so figure out what hours are for work that can be helpful.

Proper Working Hours

As this means not disrupting your daily schedule/routine as much as possible & putting work away around the time you ordinarily would. And if you are living with a partner who's also Working From Home, so you can help each others to get things done properly and it will also help you to concentrate on your work & increase your productivity level.

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 - Tell or inform your Co-worker / partner about your work schedule - video conferencing time, deadlines, etc - so that he/she can help you to give the privacy that you needed to be focused & productive.

 Distractions ! - Deal with them :

Distractions While Working

In today's time, it is not possible to get full silence while working either from home or office. And at a certain degree, some or other distractions are been expected. Distractions can be such as noise of children's (if you have), Noise of T.V., neighbours distractions, etc. So look at this that you must try to reduce them or overcome on it.


You can also invest into a pair of Noise-Cancelling Headphones that can serve as blinders to every distractions including your loneliness. It will help you to improve your productivity & focus on your work.

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 - If you want to stay focused & if you are using Zoom App for your video-conferencing or working purposes, them Zoom App provides a feature called Attention tracking, which tells the meeting host if a participant doesn't have the meeting window in focus for more than 30 seconds. Then the Opps! or blank screen appears.

 Managing Expectations :

Manage Expectations

As to manage expectations of your family members or friends, is an very important too that will help you to focus on your work while Working From Home. Whether you have children's or some put, so do your best to set boundaries with them & explain that while you are at home, you will have to do work.

Also, its advisable to let your bosses know how much you will be able to get done.

Manage Expectations

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 - Plan a self-engaging activity for your kids when you have an important meeting/conference meetings.

Have a Virtual Party :

Online Party

As now Government has started all restaurants and bars for the public. You may go out and party. But why to take a risk, as we have a option of Virtual Party. As it's better to have a virtual party. So catch up with your co-workers, family members, friends and get some quality time with them.

Online Party

Have video-calls with them, have fun and interact with them. Arrange small virtual parties with all of the snacks and entertainment you need. So, try to experience a new way of fun and entertainment for yourself.

TIP FOR YOU 🔔 - As some streaming apps have a party option also so that you can watch a movie together.

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