
Nov 26, 2020



Content -

Introduction : 

Corona has made a huge difference in people's lifestyles. Its effects were seen to be on mental health. The number of people suffering from various mental health problems has also increased. Some important tips to overcome mental illness ...

Mental Health

We had to face many changes in the lockdown. Corona's mental health was affected as well as his physical health. Many have had to deal with depression because of the financial crisis. Mental health is currently being discussed openly. People are expressing their grievances on social media or through other platforms. About what you can do to deal with depression with courage...

Simple Solutions to Maintain Mental Health and be Stress Free :

The benefits of being expressed are many :

Express your Words

Psychiatrists say that talking openly about mental illness can be inspiring for many. Many point out that open discussion has given them mental support. Depression can occur at any age. Mental illness needs proper treatment and therapy. Many questions and problems can be solved by open discussion. So there are many benefits to being expressed. Understand people suffering from psychosis without discriminating against them.

 Positivity Is Important :


According to experts, it takes time to spread positivity in order to overcome the surrounding negative situation. Currently the number of posts spreading the wrong message through social media is increasing day by day. At such times positive energy generating programs should be organized among the people. People who struggle with mental illness should be treated with love. Help them overcome mental illness. It is very important to have a happy and playful atmosphere at home. India has less awareness about mental health than other countries. We have mental illnesses being ignored. Even today there is not enough awareness and importance about mental health. People with mental illness face ridicule and ridicule. Psychiatrists say that you need to learn how to express yourself mentally without feeling overwhelmed.

Also Read :     Want to Power Up your Brain ?

What is my responsibility ? 😇💪

- Try to increase the confidence of the mentally ill.

- If you don't know much about psychosis, you should avoid discussing it in detail.

- Get proper information about mental health and convince others of its importance.

- Respect the feelings of the person facing the problem. Encourage them to overcome illness.

- Don't get exhausted while dealing with mental illness.

- Learn to accept the changes that take place in you during treatment.

Also Read :     Cognitive Therapy : An Effective Solution to Deal with Psychological Problems 

Conclusion :

As our psychological state is more important than any thing else. So realize it's importance. a far better mind🧠 can only assist you to practice proper and active decision-making, ready to handle emotions, etc.
As Brain is the main organ of our body. And not taking care of this Fundamental Unit, may make different issues in future. So, please lookout of your psychological state .

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