
Jul 13, 2020

NOT GETTING BETTER SLEEP ?🤔 : Here are 10 Simple Ways to Get Good Sleep😴


As sleep😴 plays a major role to have a good health and well-being throughout the life. As we know that, getting good quality of sleep helps in our growth and development of our body. It improves our both mental🧠 & physical🏋️ health and also improves our daytime performance.
But, Now due to this PANDEMIC - CORONAVIRUS😷 & LOCKDOWN🔒, it has changed everyone's daily life schedule/routine. And this has created many problems, in which one common problem faced by most of us is Lack of Sleep. As, we have learned from our previous article that, lack of sleep may lead to various common problems such as less productivity, Reduce your performance, not able to handle emotions, etc., which may cause harmful diseases in future such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.
So, to avoid all this and live a happy life, I am going to share you some simple ways to improve your sleeping way. So, Let's BEGIN

10 Simple Ways To Get Good Sleep :

💠 Take it as necessity not luxury : 

As our life cycle♻️ depends on our health we have. So, a good health leads to a better life. And our health relies on our food & amount of sleep we get. As our 1/3 part of our life we live in a sleeping mode. So, always consider, sleep as Necessity, Not a Luxury Gift. You should have sleep as a special importance or priority. I have heard from many of us, that they give sleep as a special importance, but they are not right. As, I have said in previous article, that the quality💎 of sleep matters most than it's quantity⚖️. 
So, in other solutions that I am going to tell you all, it will be based on to get a quality sleep. 

💠 Stay in Cool❄️ : 

One of the reason for not getting good sleep may be due to  more rise in level of normal temperature than our normal body temperature. Hence, we may not get sleep because of high heat & swelling🌡️ during summers or more cold during winters⛄. So, if your  normal body temperature will be low/equal to normal temperature, so it will help you all to improve your sleep. However, in winters, we may control our body temperature by taking a blanket if we feel cold. But, in summers it is too difficult to maintain it, however it will be only possible if you have a Air Conditioner [AC].


You can take a bath🚿 with hot water before going to sleep. I know, it may sounds you little weird, but taking a bath before your bedsleep, will try to maintain your normal & body temperature level as same/equal. And in turns, will help you to get a better sleep.

💠 Take Direct Sunlight : 

As, taking Sunlight🌄 it will help you to improve your sleep. As, we get Sunlight in the morning, when we wake up, at that time our body releases hormones and helps in our proper working with productivity📈 & effectively throughout the day. But, now due to this LOCKDOWN period, most of them are not able to get direct sunlight and at night time, we are getting more artificial lights through electronic devices📱, so it may not help your body to improve and grow. 
So, Try to get Sunlight for 15 - 20 minutes in the morning, so that it will improve your body growth & performance during the day. And, it will help you all to get a good & better sleep. 

💠 Do Physical activity / Exercise :

As doing exercises will help us to get a good quality sleep. But, Now due to this LOCKDOWN, all Gym's🏋️ and other workout centers are closed, as who all were going to Gym's may be facing some little trouble. However, you all should try different home exercises to keep your body energizes and active. Now due to this CORONAVIRUS, most of us are working from home💻, as they may also get tired at looking continuously at one single screen of their phone's/laptops. As they all may not get that much time to do exercises. So, try to do more physical activity during daytime. As, doing more physical work will help you have good & better sleep at night 🌃.

💠 Sleep Spot :

As sleep is important, we know; but where you sleep also matters most. So, your sleep bed/spot should be only & only used for sleeping purpose only. As, our brain🧠 is very sensitive organ and also it is a HABIT KING👑. As, our brain works on various patterns/structures which helps to develop a habit. As our brain likes similar patterns, so that it finds to easy to recover it. So, when you go to your bed, use it for sleeping purpose only, not for using mobile phones📵 or other type of activity. As, our brain will try to build various patterns which will turn into an habit. So, whenever you lie on bed, a signal will be send to your brain to get sleep only. You all can also create a good sleeping environment🏞️ near your bed that will help you to get good sleep. 

💠 Sleep At Right Time : 

As, sleep is important, but going to sleep at right time will help you to get sleep properly. So, from various research & studies🔍, we have came to know that, when we are sleeping, the most useful and growth hormones that are released from our body are between the period of 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.🕙 So, getting sleep during that period helps us in improvement of our mental health, reduces stress, anxiety, frustration, etc. Such type of sleep is also came to know as 'Re-Generative Sleep'. It regenerates your body to perform for next day / next task. Hence, it is very important to have bedsleep at right time. 

💠 Control Your Inner Mind :

As when we are sleeping, many thoughts 💭comes in our mind such as How will be my future ?, Why I done that?, What, When,etc. all such questions comes in our mind. Such things arises due to unfinished work/tasks, stress, Not happening like you want,etc. So, to deal with such problems, "MEDITATION"🧘 will be really helpful. As, various studies shows that mediation helps in improving our sleep efficiency and sleep quality. As there is a famous quote that - "Meditate at A.M. to Sleep well at P.M." So, it will try to control your mind and help to get good sleep.

💠 Darked Out :

As full darkness⚫ can also help us to improve our sleep. However, darkness or blacked out is not only feel by our eyes but also by our skin. As skin absorbs the light and gives direct signals to our brain, that we want sleep. As, someone has habit of sleeping in dim light, so they can use Red Light💡. As it's effect is very low which will not create problem for your eyes to sleep. Hence, it will be way better for you all to dark out while sleeping and will help us to get good sleep.

💠 Avoid Screen Light Before Sleep :

As most of the people, while going to sleep/before going to sleep uses electronic devices. But, such electronic devices emits Blue Light💡 which cause damage to your sleep and will affect your sleeping habit process. So, it is very important to avoid Screen Time before sleeping. As it will help to improve your sleep quality and have a better sleep. If you want to use electronic devices💻, you must use it 3 - 4 hours before sleeping or use can use spectacles👓 which filters Blue Light. 

💠 Create Ritual's :

As creating a small ritual, before going to sleep, can help you a lot to improve your sleep. As we know that our brain is an HABIT KING👑, so creating a small ritual pattern will help you all to have a better sleep. As someone may have a ritual that before going to sleep they will have a bath🚿 or someone may have a ritual of reading books📖 before going to sleep. So, try to create or find your own ritual that will help you to get quality sleep at night.

Be Healthy🍏 & Live a Happy Life🙂

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