As most of the people in today's developing and modern world, are busy in achieving or getting their goals🏆, But in the race of achieving it, most of them forget to take care of themselves related to their Physical 🏋️& Mental🧠 health.
As Sleep plays an vital role in good health & well-being throughout your life & also energizes ⚡you to move forward towards your dream purpose. So, the very 1st & important thing to remember is that it is the quality👑 rather than the quantity⚖️ of sleep that matters most. So, it is better to have 7 - 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep than 10 - 12 hours of restless broken sleep.
As, most of the people does not realize that they are Sleep Deficient. So, depending upon above factors, we will come to know that are you having sleep deficiency disorder or not. So, You can be a Sleep Deficient Person if you have less(<) / more(>) restless broken sleep. The way you feel while you are awake depends on what happens when you are sleeping😴. While we are sleeping, our body is working to control healthy brain functioning & also help in developing your physical health. As sleep helps children's & teenagers in their growth & development. If you are an Sleep Deficient person it will also affect your Mental health such as how well you think, react, learn , understand, work & interact with others.
Affects Your :
As sleep help us to improve our mental health & work effectively. While you are sleeping , your brain starts functioning / preparing for the next day🌅 or next task. It tries to create new directions / pathways for us to improve, learn, understand and remember things effectively.
As various research and studies 🔍, proves that a good quality sleep at night helps improving your learning and understanding process. It also helps to remember, to focus your attention, to be creative and take active👀 decisions. If you're an Sleep Deficient person, you may also find problems in decision making, developing innovative ideas, problem solving, handling your emotions & behavior, etc.
As Sleep Deficiency are mostly found in children's and teenagers so they may also feel various troubles such as they may get angry / impulsive quickly, experience frustration or depression or do not get along with others. So, getting good quality sleep is necessary to deal with our mental problems in our daily life.
As we know, having good quality of sleep at right time helps us in proper functioning of body throughout the day with more energy and more positively.
As various studies shows that, the people who are sleep deficient, are less productive and inactive 😩 during daytime. They may react very slow, take more time to complete quick task, not take active decisions, not able to control emotions, do mistakes, etc. As, Lack of sleep for few days or 2 - 3 hours per night -- declines your ability of functioning throughout the day. As many people are using mobile phones / other electronic devices📱 till late night, which may also lead to lack of sleep and also might slowly increase Sleep Deficiency. For instance, that you are watching an session/lecture, so due to lack of sleep you may find sometime that you have not understood some point or sometime miss the main information also.
As Sleep Deficiency is not only harmful⚠️ but can also cause large amount of damage. As most of the people are not aware of risks of Sleep Deficiency & also not realize it. They think that with limited & poor quality of restless sleep, it will help them functioning well during the day. As research shows that, the drivers are the person's who are the most affected by Sleep Deficiency disorder.
Our body growth 🌱& performance 📈 depends on our both physical and mental health. So, to be strong and perfect in both departments, sleep plays a vital role in development & progress in our life.
Sleep is necessary to be physically fit, but not getting good quality of sleep may lead to Sleep Deficiency. As, continuous Sleep Deficiency may give an invitation to an increased risk of various diseases such as shown in the images given below -
As shown in above images, Sleep Deficiency also increases the risk of obesity. As various research shows that, in lost of 1 - 2 hours of daily sleep per day, the odds of becoming obese level increases. Sleep Deficiency also increases the risk of obesity in teenagers (mostly) and in other age groups as well.
Sleep Deficiency may also lead in risk of blood pressure & diabetes. As, sleep also affects in what way your body reacts to insulin - the hormone that controls your blood pressure (SUGAR) level. It results in high blood sugar level than normal level, which may increase your risk of diabetes.
As sleep helps in our growth & development of body, however a good and deep sleep helps the body to release the hormone that promotes normal & healthy growth in children's, teenagers, adult's, etc.
Now, due to this PANDEMIC Virus - Covid 19😷, everyone tells us to stay healthy🍎 and build a strong immune system💪. As we are trying various methods to improve it, but many of us doesn't know that our immune system relies on sleep we get. Having good amount of sleep also helps to improve our immune system. As it defends your body from against harmful substances. Sleep Deficiency can also affect your immune system, due to that you may find some trouble while fighting with various common infections such as cold, fever, etc.
So, Try to get good quality sleep at right time and in right amount to get rid of such disorders and live a happy life.
Be Safe⛑️ & Be Healthy🍏
In Next Article, I will share you some QUICK TIPS TO GET GOOD SLEEP.
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